OMG. kids these days......(this is officially my fav phrase)
anyway, back to my point.
MOE shouldn't allow kids to use calculators in primary sch level la!
they're getting too lazy to use their brains for the simplest calculations.
the boy i'm tutoring knows more functions on the calculator than i do.
what on earth is with the calculator.....spoil market and BRAINS.
so they're allowed to use calculators for problem sums during exams and yet their duration for the paper is the same as before (when calculators were not allowed in pri sch).
in the long run, this will cause them greater misery. when they've to scratch their heads so hard to answer 2 x 2.
get those calculators out of the pri sch syllabus!!
this week is particularly busy and things will only get worse the following weeks till term ends.
sometimes, i do enjoy being busy. it takes my mind off something else.
look at the US economy and see what i'm majoring in.
damn jia lat.
although papers say the crisis will not impact us by THAT much. please don't trust that.
we're so dependent on the big economy in USA. slowly, japan will be brought down and then.. sooner or later, spore will feel the shake too. all we should do now is to withdraw all USA stocks. when the US federal cannot cushion the debts by AIG anymore, the economy will crash. AIG is USA's national treasure. US govenment will do whatever they could to save the situation. Private banks are injecting money to help. MAS is said to have prepared to inject money into our economy when necessary. we're safe for now. we still can count on china!!
let's not go into lehman brothers, merrill lynch and BoA.
these are signs. but i've yet to figure out they're signs to what. haha
good night.