(it's hello kitty mahjong set! taken in taiwan btw)

I'm up at this rather early hour, 10.30am.
Consider it a feat since I usually play mahjong overnight and only start sleeping when I see the sun.
Anyways, I've decided not to lead such health-draining life.
You know something, you should never believe my previous line.
It's just a default self-reflection statement. Never take that seriously.
Cos..the next post I might write something like..'I jus came back from mj and it's 8am or smth'.
The only thing I don't procastinate is probably lying.
I do that all the time.
I just love lying to myself.
Say I'll pack my room, going jogging, read book, sleep early, attend all lessons, so on and on..
That's why I never make it a point to make sure things as new year resolutions becos I'll end up disappointing myself.
although my CAP is rather hopeless and immense amount of hardwork is unlikely to revive those pretty As, there's close to zero motivation to go sch.
Oh. There's one. the chances of meeting my future half.
But that looks more hopeless than saving my CAP.
Nus's standard, we know.
nus is pathetically lack of eye candies.
that makes going to school all the way from pasir ris half sian.
But it's okay. new sem, new hopes.
I was so pissed with the bidding system and I think I've mentioned more than I should.
Wrote in an appeal to ask for preallocation becos obviously I couldn't get the module with the points I have.
I used to have 796 points and the minimum bid for that damn module (happen to be my core module and basic module to do higher level mod) is 1000plus points.
and NUS replied with.. 'you should manage your points well!'
eh just fuck it please.
every semester we're given 600points to bid for modules.
I had 796 points becos the 100+ points are accumulated from previous sem.
i barely use them.
can they like use their butts to think?! (i'm assuming they don't have brains since I received such useless and dumbest reply, which evidently shows that they're airheads)
not just that.
they told me to bid for the module in subsequent bidding rounds.
I tried. but the minimum bid now is 2871points.
the bidder prolly is some yr 3/4 trying to do elective!
how can someone in yr 1 have so many points!
I'm friggin pissed with NUS and their so-called help desk.
if no one ever write in a 'fuck', i'll be the first.
no wait. if i email them a fuck right now. i prolly wont get to start sch on monday.
i used all the points i have in my general account (839pts btw) to bid for marketing!
from this moment, I'm considered bankrupt.
like totally.
left zero points in general account. (fyi, the pts i have in general acc. cant bid for my core mod. ugh. thats why)
somehow i have this feeling that...
i'll give nus a hard time next sem!